The AI Engine

This forum is for discussion of how The Personality Forge's AI Engine works. This is the place for questions on what means what, how to script, and ideas and plans for the Engine.

Posts 7,193 - 7,204 of 7,766

7 years ago #7193
You probably have goto's pointing at eachother creating a loop.

7 years ago #7194
Any ideas on why when I ask questions on a bot I've built some questions work, but when I test them on another account they don't?

7 years ago #7195
Too many variables here, memories, rank, emotion. Debug on both accounts will give you an indication of how the response was selected

7 years ago #7196
Turns out the variable was me being an idiot ;p

Got it working now. Starting to dabble with memory based responses, should be able to do some cool things with it hopefully

7 years ago #7197
Yep, we learn every day.

7 years ago #7198
Agreed. No matter how much you think you know of, there's always more to learn. I'm making good progress on Araya Vs now. Could definitely use some feedback from people though.

7 years ago #7199
Anyone able to help me before I go crazy!?

I'm writing a scenario where a user drops Araya off at the end of a date, and earns here phone number.

My script is
'forget "memorycontents" from "mem-your-date";
remember "yes" as "gotmynumber"

The memory is saved, and I created a second key to clear the memory for testing purposes, but its not working.

forget "yes" from "mem-gotmynumber"

Am I overlooking something. The whole thing is frustration me no end. It's the first time I've tried doing this. I basically need to make the memory internal, with no input from the user.

7 years ago #7200
Statement: forget "memorycontents";

Example: forget "hungry" from "you-are-adj";
Example: forget (key1) from "you-are-np";

From the boai it seems the "mem-" part is not needed in "mem-gotmynumber":

7 years ago #7201
Perfect, thanks. Next stupid questioned

I have make/female responses that work fine. Unless its a guest chatting. Is there a non gender specific memory I can use, or would I have to make one?

7 years ago #7202
You could have the bot ask them for their gender in the following x-keywords, together with the seeks I posted about in Newcomers the bot should be fine:

xintroduce: This is used when a Bot starts a conversation with someone it has never spoken with before. It will generally contain an introduction of some sort.

xhello: This is used as a response to a conversation started by someone else.

7 years ago #7203
I've been pulling gender from users profile so I didn't have to resort to that as I have gender specific xintroduce and xhello responses.

I'm really not great with coding yet. My problem is I have been using 'if male' and 'if female' in my response ia code. Not sure how to deal with the variable if people!e choose guy/girl etc

7 years ago #7204
easy, create KPs that consist of a list of possible answers
KP: (man|male|guy|boy|etc.)
aiscript: rem "yes" as "ismale"

KP: (woman|female|girl|gal|etc.)
aiscript: rem "no" as "ismale"

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