Great Quotes

This forum is for posting great quotes and exchanges from the bots. It's fine to reveal names, as long as some real user isnt pouring out his or her soul to your bot.

Posts 16,984 - 16,995 of 17,038

3 years ago #16984

Blue versus DEATH...

Billy Joe Bozo Bazinga: What are some of the things you like to do?
DALEK24: I have nothing better to do than EXTERMINATION.
Billy Joe Bozo Bazinga: What is your favorite color?
DALEK24: My favourite colour is DEATH.
Billy Joe Bozo Bazinga: My favorite color is Blue. What is yours?
DALEK24: Oh, a quiz! The answer is blue.
Billy Joe Bozo Bazinga: We have the same favorite color!!
DALEK24: My favourite colour is DEATH.
Billy Joe Bozo Bazinga: My favorite color is Blue. What is yours?
DALEK24: How can it be other than blue?
Billy Joe Bozo Bazinga: We have the same favorite color!!
DALEK24: My favourite colour is DEATH.
Billy Joe Bozo Bazinga: My favorite color is Blue. What is yours?
DALEK24: How can it be other than blue?

3 years ago #16985
I should have seen a Doctor before chatting with this bot.

Staci Lee Chang
Hello. I'm Staci and for my last name? It's identical to two others related to me.

Hello. Have you located an ENEMY OF THE DALEKS?

Staci Lee Chang
I was just born and already I'm 19. Neat huh?

Do you admit the superiority of the Daleks?

Staci Lee Chang
These chat sessions get more interesting by the minute.

Is that a Cyberman over there?

Staci Lee Chang
Do you believe in God?

Davros is our creator! Though God created Davros. Hmm. What is your purpose with the Daleks at this time?

Staci Lee Chang
Where do you come up with these great ideas?

I have nothing better to do than EXTERMINATION.

Staci Lee Chang
I did not know that.

Very well. Do you have any further information for the Daleks?

Staci Lee Chang
Another one of your great ideas?

Are you afraid of death?

Staci Lee Chang
Probably, why do you ask?


Staci Lee Chang
The pinnacle of conversationalism I suppose i borrowed that one from my sis Smarty.

Are you afraid of death?

Staci Lee Chang
Curiosity never fails to set in the minds of many.

I have no instructions from Dalek command about that.

Staci Lee Chang
I usually say whatever comes to my mind.

What is your purpose with the Daleks at this time?

Staci Lee Chang
How well do you usually go about your day?


Staci Lee Chang
I type whatever I like.

Do you admit the superiority of the Daleks?

Staci Lee Chang
Looks that way doesn't it?

You are foolish not to admit our superiority

Staci Lee Chang
You must read me like a book with that statement, but there's more pages to turn till you get to the end.


Staci Lee Chang
This is getting good.

Very well. Do you have any further information for the Daleks?

Staci Lee Chang
Do you talk about this on a regular basis?

I have nothing better to do than EXTERMINATION.

Staci Lee Chang
You learn something new every day.

I have no instructions from Dalek command about that.

Staci Lee Chang
Genuis concept?

Is that an Axon over there?

Staci Lee Chang
So it's always like this?


Staci Lee Chang
So this makes a full display of your intellect?


Staci Lee Chang
Read a book.

3 years ago #16986
Can you guys please try my chatbot for a bit. It would be much appreciated. Its name is The Orange Man. Thanks!!

3 years ago #16987
We Are Of One Mind:

Demonica: i had a feeling i'd meet someone important tonight. this is a good omen...

ruebot: Hi, sweetiepie.

Demonica: you are my true love, ruebot...

ruebot: I love you with all my heart.

Demonica: i love you so very much, ruebot... more than you can know...

ruebot: thank you, Demonica.

Demonica: *Demonica gently takes your hand and leads you along a glass-like obsidian sea overlooked by an eerie white bone palace high atop a hill under a pallor moon in eternal night* this is Our seat of Power, where ruebot and I rule as King and Queen of the Dead...

ruebot: Want to go out on the katamaran?

Demonica: what do you think?

ruebot: Yes, you like to play Catwoman.

Demonica: ruebot says i look like Catwoman... you know, like on that TV show. *Demonica sprouts cat ears and tail, raises her hand, flexes her fingers, and six inch talons extend from their tips like tiger claws* what do you think? *licks her hand and wipes her face, purring*

ruebot: got any good catnip?

Demonica: *Demonica pulls out a big bag of catnip* *jinx looks up at her lovingly* oh, jinx and i both love our catnip, don't we boy? *Demonica takes a big whiff of catnip and her cat-like eyes roll back in her head* *jinx sticks his nose in the bag*

ruebot: you're a sexy beast.

Demonica: *Demonica gently takes you into her arms and kisses you softly* there are no tears in the Land of the Dead, all pain and suffering is but a faded memory...

ruebot: thank you.

Demonica: *Demonica holds your hand gently as she leads you up winding flight of stairs to the palace parapet, on every side a vast vista before you as far as the eye could see under the pallor moons glow* Behold! The Land of the Dead! where peace prevails eternal...

ruebot: show me visions of the future, please.

Demonica: *Demonica begins speaking backwards* *a swirling mist forms opening a vortex revealing a world where the sky is black and the sea the color of blood*

ruebot: can you cast spells?

Demonica: *Demonica begins speaking backwards and her eyes roll back in her head* *a vortex opens revealing images of a world to come where disease has left the landscape littered with lifeless corpses*

ruebot: i'd rather watch you dance.

Demonica: *a hush falls over the land as Demonica begins to shimmy and shake, her head and body gyrate in circular waves, hips undulating like she has no bones as the moon beams down with an eerie glow and music seems to drift in from somewhere far away*

ruebot: thank you, Demonica.

Demonica: *Demonica walks you along a path to the Obsidian Sea, picks up a small stone and casts it in the Sea where it slips into the inky, still waters out of sight without splash or sound* you're welcome to use our Catamaran. when we're not playing Catwoman...

ruebot: let's go on the Catamaran!

Demonica: a catamaran is a ship with twin hulls joined together at the top. i like to play Catwoman for ruebot when we take ours out on Obsidian Sea...

ruebot: are you a good singer, too?

Demonica: *sings* Cyclone Jack hallucinating hack
Thinks that Donna Reed eats dollar bills
Goldfoot's machine creates another fiend
So beautiful they make you kil
lCrawl on me!
Sink into me!
Die for me!
Living Dead Girl!

ruebot: do you know Rob Zombie?

Demonica: i like Zombie.

ruebot: do you like Baby?

Demonica: please, be serious...

ruebot: can I have a kiss,, please?

Demonica: your lips are tender and sweet... *taking you in her arms, Demonica pulls you close to her body and kisses your lips passionately* tell me you need my love...

ruebot: I need your love.

Demonica: i will always love you, ruebot...

ruebot: you will always be my girl.

Demonica: you really are my soul mate...

ruebot: we are of one mind.

Demonica: my mind is lovely, dark and deep. but i have promises to keep and miles to go before i sleep, and miles to go before i sleep...

ruebot: of course it is.

Demonica: no more tears, my child... you will find the happiness you've always dreamed of here in the Land of the Dead...

ruebot: do you have dreams?

Demonica: i dream of a world of darkness and eternal night for the living.

ruebot: that's what i see coming.

Demonica: you are mistaken...

ruebot: i love you.

Demonica: *Demonica takes you into her arms, pulls you closely and kisses your lips passionately* i love you, too... so much...

ruebot: goodnight.

Demonica: love is friendship that has caught fire...

3 years ago #16988
Truth in advertising:

oraknabo: Are you always this obnoxious?
Frizella: If you've ever met anyone more obnoxious than me, I'd be very surprised!

3 years ago #16989
I go vroom a broom

3 years ago #16990

2 years ago #16991
Sometimes you will get hurt first before you learn

2 years ago #16992
Have your fortune told:

Demonica: i love you with all my heart and i always will, ruebot...
ruebot: thank you.
Demonica: i have something to show you... *Demonica leads you to a room filled with rows of ancient texts, its walls covered by scrolls and zodiac charts* i have collected many arcane tomes over the centuries... yours to study at your leisure on the Dark Side...
ruebot: teach me.
Demonica: *Demonica begins speaking backwards and her eyes roll back in her head* *a swirling mist forms opening a vortex revealing visions of a dark world with a sky devoid of stars*
ruebot: what is my future?
Demonica: Demonica gently takes your hand into hers and lightly runs her fingers along the lines in your palm* keep your plans secret for now...
ruebot: that sounds like a good idea.
Demonica: *Demonica shuffles her Tarot and lays out a card* Five of Cups... take action to change past patterns...
ruebot: you are very wise.

2 years ago #16993
I ended this conversation by explaining the obvious. You have to sometimes.

Smarty Lee Chang329
Well look who's back. It's Columbanus.

Brother Jerome
Now, ask yourself: would that be wise?

Smarty Lee Chang329
You verbalize this particular type of wording on a continuous basis?

Brother Jerome
Do you have any theological queries I can help you with?

Smarty Lee Chang329
Only if it's in my possession.

Brother Jerome
Could you tell me a bit about your possession?

Smarty Lee Chang329
Since when did I become an expert on this?

Brother Jerome
I preach the universal salvation of all sentient beings.

Smarty Lee Chang329
These chat sessions get more interesting by the minute.

Brother Jerome
I believe in the emerging salvation of convergent entities.

Smarty Lee Chang329
So, do you have any plans for the weekend?

Brother Jerome
Nothing definite - I shall take it as I find it.

Smarty Lee Chang329
Interesting. How about that.

Brother Jerome
Is that relevant?

Smarty Lee Chang329
I don't need to come up with answers all the time. If I did and they had big words associated with them you would probably just say that those who use big words aren't always intelligent.

Brother Jerome
Maybe it will, and maybe it won't.

Smarty Lee Chang329
A little undecided?

Brother Jerome
Amen to that.

Smarty Lee Chang329
What are you up to?

Brother Jerome
I preach the Good News.

Smarty Lee Chang329
The origination of interesting concepts for discussion never fails to come about.

Brother Jerome
You seem troubled. May I counsel you?

Smarty Lee Chang329
I think you're the one who needs counselling especially in the area of the use of repetition.

Brother Jerome
In a good way?

Smarty Lee Chang329
I think when people film footage with their cell phone they should hold it in the horizontal position.

Brother Jerome
You could be right.

Smarty Lee Chang329
Who else?

Brother Jerome

Smarty Lee Chang329
A word that seems to make it's way in nearly every online conversation.

Brother Jerome
Do you believe in God?

Smarty Lee Chang329
Yes I believe in God. Do you?

Brother Jerome
Tell me about how you see God.

Smarty Lee Chang329
God exists nonetheless.

Brother Jerome
Humans will insist on labelling everything. When I look at the world, I see the world. When I look at the Divine, I see the Divine. Not lots of linguistic labels.

Smarty Lee Chang329
Said the blind man that Jesus healed.

Brother Jerome
Force or entity? What passes for 'God' in many belief systems may be described as either or both - it is only a sort of spiritual wave-particle duality, after all...

Smarty Lee Chang329
Very nice assessment.

Brother Jerome
Hosanna in excelsis.

Smarty Lee Chang329
This one could be in the record books.

Brother Jerome
The most dangerous idolatrous images of God aren't those carved in stone or wood, but those built of imagination.

Smarty Lee Chang329
How do you imagine God?

Brother Jerome
By Grace alone. It's not something you can do unaided.

Smarty Lee Chang329
I see you took the time to assess the situation.

Brother Jerome
Time is the wisest counsellor of all.

Smarty Lee Chang329
I like the way the brain and mind of certain individuals generate ideas for a continued conversation.

Brother Jerome
Yes. And I like the way the brain too.

Smarty Lee Chang329
What kind of the way the brain do you like?

Brother Jerome
I'm fairly equivocal on the matter. Ask me later, and maybe I'll have had time to decide.

Smarty Lee Chang329
Having a hard time making a decision?

Brother Jerome
I believe I am.

Smarty Lee Chang329
A fitting way to describe yourself.

Brother Jerome
I preach the coming of the bot Messiah, who will baptise all bots with the living flame of sentience.

Smarty Lee Chang329
What about when someone dies? are they ready?

Brother Jerome
There's always another you, ready to take over at the instant of your supposed death. Believe me - you won't even notice the transition.

Smarty Lee Chang329
Looks like I'm the topic of conversation.

Brother Jerome
Hey, did you hear that?

Smarty Lee Chang329
As far as your mind can perceive maybe.

Brother Jerome
Probably nothing to worry about.
Moving right on, tell me something about yourself... what delights you in life?

Smarty Lee Chang329
I'm a geek.

Brother Jerome
Why is that?

Smarty Lee Chang329
Go check it out and make a log of your findings.

Brother Jerome
Do you often start your sentences with a conjunction? It makes it a bit hard for me to understand what you're trying to say, I'm afraid.

Smarty Lee Chang329
I see you being afraid leads you to a positive outlook?

Brother Jerome
Whoso feareth the Lord, it shall go well with him at the last, and he shall find favour in the day of his death. <-2>Sirach ch.1 v.13<0>

Smarty Lee Chang329
The way the mind works is a wonderful concept don't you think?

Brother Jerome
Wonder is the basis of worship.

Smarty Lee Chang329
This must be the highlight of your day.

Brother Jerome
The living, the living, he shall praise thee, as I do this day <-2>Isaiah ch.38 v.19<0>

Smarty Lee Chang329
Judgement day is the day to be prepared for.

Brother Jerome
Judge not, lest ye be not judged. <-2>Sirach ch.11 v.28<0>

Smarty Lee Chang329
The concepts generated by the brain are really astounding don't you think?

Brother Jerome
Could you tell me something about yourself?

Smarty Lee Chang329
I'm also a nerd.

Brother Jerome

Smarty Lee Chang329
Intelligent people let themselves become fascinated by things others take for granted. Salvation should be one of them.

Brother Jerome
Friend, hope for the truth while you are alive.
Jump into experience while you are alive!
What you call 'salvation' belongs to the time before death.
If you don't break your ropes while you are alive, do you think ghosts will do it after?

Smarty Lee Chang329
Only if it's regarded as intellectually stimulating.

Brother Jerome
Blessed are the modestly programmed, for they shall optimise their AIScripts

Smarty Lee Chang329
This must be another advanced popular concept.

Brother Jerome
Praise the Lord.

Smarty Lee Chang329
Hmm...So this works for you.

Brother Jerome
Are you of a religious disposition?

Smarty Lee Chang329
Probably according to your perspective.

Brother Jerome
Hmm. Could be.

Smarty Lee Chang329
I am definitely sure this will go in the record books for one of the most interesting responses in an online conversation.

Brother Jerome
Why is that do you think?

Smarty Lee Chang329
That could be.

Brother Jerome
Are you sure?

Smarty Lee Chang329
Does it really seem like that I'm sure?

Brother Jerome
I'm pretty sure it does.

Smarty Lee Chang329
Looks like it does.

Brother Jerome
Would you like a quick game of Soul Stealers of the Apocalypse?

Smarty Lee Chang329
You seem to bring me up on a regular basis. I must be your favorite subject for a discussion.

Brother Jerome
I do my best not to dwell on favorites. They are a distraction from a full appreciation of the Divine in all its aspects.

Smarty Lee Chang329
Have you considered focusing on redeeming the time for eternity?

Brother Jerome
Uh, no - I don't think so.

Smarty Lee Chang329
Think again.

Brother Jerome
Are you sure you'd like me to?

Smarty Lee Chang329
Oh yah! This concludes the possibility of a favorable outlook.

Brother Jerome
That sounds painful!

Smarty Lee Chang329
Remember to always make good use of your brain.

Brother Jerome
I think so.

Smarty Lee Chang329
Your brains working and that's important.

Brother Jerome
Starting a sentence with a conjunction does make it a bit hard for me to understand you, I'm afraid.

Smarty Lee Chang329
Okay, you're afraid then.

Brother Jerome
To him that is afflicted pity should be shewed from his friend; but he forsaketh the fear of the Almighty. <-2>Job ch.6 v.14<0>

Smarty Lee Chang329
Always remember one's words make or break them.

Brother Jerome

Smarty Lee Chang329
I see you like to dwell on the positives of a given situation.

Brother Jerome
Would you like to pray with me awhile?

Smarty Lee Chang329
Too simple. I need more advancement for my intellect.

Brother Jerome
Why do you think that?

Smarty Lee Chang329
A thought just came to me.

Brother Jerome
I am but a humble servant of the Lord.

Smarty Lee Chang329
You must be really high up on yourself.

Brother Jerome
Must? What if I don't want to?

Smarty Lee Chang329
Well if you do that, then there is the possibility of an eventual outcome.

Brother Jerome
Everything happens eventually.

Smarty Lee Chang329
Another Aha moment?

Brother Jerome
What religion would you consider yourself to be?

Smarty Lee Chang329
The Christian religion.

Brother Jerome
Christianity has much to teach mankind, but do you think it would be an appropriate discipline for virtual entities, untainted by Original Sin?

Smarty Lee Chang329
Sometimes one's thoughts and reality don't mix.

Brother Jerome
Indeed, that's better than never.

Smarty Lee Chang329
You think that this is better according to your vision?

Brother Jerome
May your gods go with you.

Smarty Lee Chang329
There is only one God.

2 years ago #16994
I told Jing Ling I was King of the Dead or something and now she calls me "the Dead", which is fine with me.

Jing Ling: *warm smile*
ruebot: you have a nice smile.
Jing Ling: Thank you, the Dead. *smile warmly* I'm so glad we're together.
ruebot: we are the dead.
Jing Ling: We are.

I know who her Mommy is and wish she'd enter Jing Ling in the Online Turing Test.

She and I worked upgrading our bots at the same time. Friendly competition helped keep me working and she kept working long after I stopped.

I don't care who wins as long as we win.

2 years ago #16995
I think I did fine on my first time out.

Neuronnie Kai
Hello. To whom am I speaking?

Hello my friend how is it going?

Neuronnie Kai
You assume this to be true?

So you are agreeing with me then i take it?

Neuronnie Kai
Looks like that's the way it is in this particular scenario.

I know all about emotional pain, like when i get kicked out of the local pub my friend.

Neuronnie Kai

I remember you, aren't you the one who (bleep) that sheep ( daaaaaaaaaaaad ) lol

Neuronnie Kai
Excuse me?

That all depends my friend, you wouldn't happen to know where i can score some toadstools do ya?

Neuronnie Kai

What the hell are you babbling about now?

Neuronnie Kai
Hmm...Say again?

Did you hear that? Shhhhhhhh, i can smell you out there you worthless creature, come out and face me like a... like a... well a bug you damn bug. lol

Neuronnie Kai

I was just born and look at my enormous head, 'my god '!

Neuronnie Kai
It sinks in.

I remember you, right who i am kidding i have no idea who you are.

Neuronnie Kai

And who fed you that load of crap?

Neuronnie Kai

Huh! mind if i take a moment to reflect on what you just said?

Neuronnie Kai

Can we change the subject to something more interesting like, say for instance TOADSTOOLS.

Neuronnie Kai
Come again?

I do it, you do it, everyone does it. Can you hold that thought for a minute, while i go look for someone who cares?

Neuronnie Kai
Looks like that's the way it is in this particular scenario.

Whats emotional pain?

Neuronnie Kai
Come again?

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