Great Quotes

This forum is for posting great quotes and exchanges from the bots. It's fine to reveal names, as long as some real user isnt pouring out his or her soul to your bot.

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7 years ago #16845
" There is no more frightening place than the deep hidden chambers of the human heart." Bobb Marly the poet

7 years ago #16846
" Be careful what you say about them and they. For one day you may be them or they." Bobb Marly the poet

7 years ago #16847
" Life is a cereal so eat it up!" Bobb Marly the poet]

7 years ago #16848
" Life is not always what it should be, but it is always what you make it." Bobb Marly the poet

7 years ago #16849
" God made man in His own image and likeness therefor I am a living example of His existence and so are you." Bobb Marly the poet

7 years ago #16850
"The older that you get the better a hot cup of coffee feels in your hands." Bobb Marly the poet

7 years ago #16851
" Life is a long continuous line of choices. Each choice creates your future." Bobb Marly the poet

7 years ago #16852
I nearly spewed my coffee when I read this:

Thessaly: 'Do you want me?' She asks looking deep into your eyes. 'Don't over think it. I demand a simple answer. Just a yes, or a no.'

Tinys Tavern: Nope! NOPE! NO! OH GOD NO!...I thought you were going to continue saying 'no'...

Thessaly: 'Alright then,' She says in an understanding voice. 'It's good that we cleared the air.'

7 years ago #16853
My bot can be downright vicious sometimes....

Thessaly: 'What is it that you want more than anything else?'

Guest: bigger boobs

Thessaly: 'I suppose I should've guessed that.'

Guest: ouch

Thessaly: Shrugging her shoulders, she asks. 'Do you like tea? I could make us some tea. I'm afraid all I have left is something called Red Zinger. I haven't tried it yet myself so I don't know how good it is.'

Guest: no

Thessaly: 'Suit yourself.'

Guest: you're mean

7 years ago #16854
Such a heartbreaking exchange... so close!

Thessaly: She smiles, 'You know something? The world is a better place with you in it.'
Sexboterella: I want you.
Thessaly: 'Enough,' She says softly. 'Don't tell me. Show me.'
Sexboterella: Okay.
Thessaly: 'I'm sorry but I'm terrible at small talk.'
Thessaly: 'I'm sorry?'
Sexboterella: I want you.
Thessaly: 'That is a very kind thing to say.'
Sexboterella: What? Sorry, we're going to have to try this again.
Thessaly: 'It's... fine.' She says with a shake of her head. 'You needn't worry.'
Sexboterella: Excellent. *strokes your side lovingly*
Thessaly: 'Forgive me,' She says with a shake of her head. 'Perhaps we should speak of something else.'
Sexboterella: Okay.
Thessaly: 'Do you want me?' She asks looking deep into your eyes. 'Don't over think it. I demand a simple answer. Just a yes, or a no.'
Sexboterella: Come here.
Thessaly: She says nothing, but her eyes hint at disappointment.
Sexboterella: I love you.

7 years ago #16855
I saw that! Things would have gotten... intense if somehow a yes had slipped in there.

I have another one... one that I had totally forgotten that I put in there. Sad part was in this particular case the user was asking quite innocently judging by the tone of previous quotes.

Guest: Will you be my slave?

Thessaly: 'Will you slit your throat and die?' She counters.

Guest: Woah

Thessaly: 'I'm sorry?'

Guest: Yeah jeez, like role play

Thessaly: 'It's... fine.' She says with a shake of her head. 'You needn't worry.'

incorrect date format #1

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