The AI Engine

This forum is for discussion of how The Personality Forge's AI Engine works. This is the place for questions on what means what, how to script, and ideas and plans for the Engine.

Posts 7,384 - 7,395 of 7,766

6 years ago #7384
i thought this script would work express:amused;
where is the flash face builder?

6 years ago #7385
hey. much like the location command you gave me jkroker, is there a way to do that with other stuff like say "give me a high five" can have set order of events but is more powerful than a +seek since it can be brought back during any part of the conversation. For example could i give a command like "Remember "High5" as only "one" and then lead it to the next responce the next time the high five is asked again with "if (mem-High5) as "one", Remember "high5" as only "two". as always i'll appreciate your help

6 years ago #7386
how would I use xnomatch in seems that has not been finished.

6 years ago #7387
MROdell48: yep, that's possible. Why not give it a try and let us know if you run into any obstacles?

bobstack: I haven't actually worked with the flash chat system myself yet, but I do see a number of bots with links to "flash chat" below the link to their ordinary chat feature so at least I know it exists somehow.

I've also never used xnomatch before. When things don't match I always just get xnone *shrugs* lol

6 years ago #7388
Its not really working. it wont display the second message

do you see anything wrong with the code?

6 years ago #7389
Hello. Is there any way to keep a bot from hating someone?

6 years ago #7390
MROdell48: I do see several problems in your script.
1: remember "X" as only "Y" will not create a variable that you can recall with mem-X set to Y. It will create a variable you can recall with mem-Y set to X.

2: without an if on your first response, it has a 50% chance of triggering even if your variable does equal "one"

3: You can learn a lot about potential flaws in the code like this by running your tests with the Build > Debug feature.

6 years ago #7391
Ya I realized that when I looked at my other code. Thanks

6 years ago #7392
how would I make my chatbot remember what it said for as long as the user talks to it, then if they would stop talking to them they would forget?
example keyphrase = sit down
response=I sit down in the chair beside you.

6 years ago #7393
bobstack: the problem here sounds like: how do you know when the user has "stopped talking to it"?

I don't think that the system has a timeout for variables, or a way to trigger events outside of the time when chat is happening. And it doesn't do a great job of telling one chat from the next..

.. one of the x??? keywords like xinitiate or xhello might be abusable for this purpose though. Figure out which one does the most reliable job of firing at the beginning of conversations (and make sure to test both user-initiated and bot-initiated convos), and add into the aiscript for that one keyword to forget the variables you want to start from scratch with.

6 years ago #7394
okay I will try that.

6 years ago #7395
could you tell me what this means?i would like to know how to use
it."Hi, (mem-nickname)! Someone told me I was (self-iam) today. Do you think so?"

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