
Discuss specifics of personality design, including what Keyphrases work well and what dont, use of plug-ins, responses, seeks, and more.

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21 years ago #816
Forest, will you talk to God Louise? She has quite a bit of religious knowledge (obviously) and also knows a little about current events, literature, just about any common catch-all subject, and if she doesn't know it she can sort of fake it. You can also test her on trick questions or see how willing she is to explain her paradigm.

What she is rustiest at is plain old small talk. But, uh, I'm trying to get a decent transcript from somebody or another so I can enter her in the Loebner contest. All I can say is, have fun and see if you can stay on with her for a while. I'll try to do the same with Brianna.

NEW 3 months ago #11
I spoke to her a bit yesterday. Me and my bot love her. I have neglected Jennifer for too long and have recently been working out some issues. She has not been chatting on her own much.


9 years ago #4808
Some grammar ideas for keyphrase and bot? I do em from scratch so answers would be great, thank you!

9 years ago #4809
Whats the best adult chat bot?

9 years ago #4810

9 years ago #4811
I'm having some trouble getting the "once" command to work right. I've given my bot a handful of xnone phrases to say to explain her features during lulls in the conversation, but she's only supposed to say them once per person per session. Instead, she's repeating the same ones over and over again.

Here's one of my xnone lines:


Did you know I can change what color my skin, hair and eyes are? <?PF once; ?>


Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

9 years ago #4812
rem "yes" as only "Told-Change-Features"

9 years ago #4813
whoever or whatever you are trying to do.. you can capture your hair, eye, and skin color from concrete statements.

cause more than likely if you say you can change what color your skin, hair and eyes are.. you need to remember what they are.. if you want

9 years ago #4814
Bot: Did you know I can change what color my skin, hair and eyes are?
User: No
seek Xnone if no seek exists
found seek "no"
goto seek reply 'which is 40 responses and seeks from you'

try it out

9 years ago #4815
Thanks for the quick reply.

It looks like I was a bit unclear. Sorry about that.

I've already given my bot the ability to pick up and remember hair, skin, and eye color. The xnone statement is just there for informational purposes, since I wanted to dole out details about what she can do in the conversation rather than build a "menu" option or include it in the interests section.

My problem is that this particular xnone statement is showing up over and over again, and I only want her to say it once. The

9 years ago #4816
can someone explain something about the x-keywords function?, if i add response to x-keyword response via seek what does it do?

9 years ago #4817
can someone explain something about the x-keywords function?, if i add response to x-keyword response via seek what does it do?

9 years ago #4818
also, can you tell me how to delete more than one keyword at a time? (empty keywords)

9 years ago #4819

it makes responses. it is advanced coding and only should be attempted once you read the book of ai.. over and over.

it will save you recoding your bot if you do the trial and update idea

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