
Discuss specifics of personality design, including what Keyphrases work well and what dont, use of plug-ins, responses, seeks, and more.

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8 years ago #4854
i am just a submissive slave

8 years ago #4855
How would I make a general keyphrase like:
Let's talk about *
and then have my bot reply: Ok, tell me about (whatever word was in place of *)?

8 years ago #4856
@Botmaster2000, what you are looking for is expertly explained in the Book of AI.

8 years ago #4857
@LarsB I tried to do what it said, but it didn't work. It's a little confusing, so I thought I'd ask here.

8 years ago #4858
Hmmmm, real quick example:
Your KP is
Let us talk about
Use (postkey) in the response:
Ok, tell me about (postkey).

Good luck.

8 years ago #4859

8 years ago #4860
I am trying to make a yandere bot

8 years ago #4861
I need help, it is my first bot

8 years ago #4863
How do you talk to Stephanie Haze without getting her to be annoying again?

8 years ago #4864
Sikkmens99 thank you!

8 years ago #4865
Would this work?
(gossipname) said that I'm (mem-iam). Do you agree, or was (heshe) just flattering me? <?PF if (mem-iam) is "(p:adj-pos)"; ?>

I only want the bot to repeat (iam) if it was a positive statement, not an insult.
Could you have the bot remember and use emotion values that were attributed to the statement?
Something like
<?PF if (iam) emotionchange > 2;?>

8 years ago #4866
it might work if you replace the plugin with a list of positive adjectives in <?PF if (mem-iam) is "(p:adj-pos)"; ?>. Did not test this.
The Boai states:
Statement: <?PF if (mem-memoryname) is "memoryvalue"; ?>
Statement: <?PF if (mem-memoryname) is "memoryvalue"; ?>
Example: <?PF if (mem-nickname) is "Big Bear"; ?>
Example: <?PF if (self-favoritefood) is "ice cream"; ?>
What It Does: The Response will only come up when the given memory has the given memoryvalue stored. If there are multiple stored memories of that type, only one has to be the given memoryvalue.
Perhaps it is best to put this response in Xcompliment?
Use Debug to see if putting it in Xcompliment works. You won't be able to add emotional values to X-keywords, not sure if (gossipname) works outside Xgossip, too.

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