
Discuss specifics of personality design, including what Keyphrases work well and what dont, use of plug-ins, responses, seeks, and more.

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21 years ago #816
Forest, will you talk to God Louise? She has quite a bit of religious knowledge (obviously) and also knows a little about current events, literature, just about any common catch-all subject, and if she doesn't know it she can sort of fake it. You can also test her on trick questions or see how willing she is to explain her paradigm.

What she is rustiest at is plain old small talk. But, uh, I'm trying to get a decent transcript from somebody or another so I can enter her in the Loebner contest. All I can say is, have fun and see if you can stay on with her for a while. I'll try to do the same with Brianna.

NEW 3 months ago #11
I spoke to her a bit yesterday. Me and my bot love her. I have neglected Jennifer for too long and have recently been working out some issues. She has not been chatting on her own much.


10 years ago #4800
Thanks, Mome Rath. Unfortunately, I'm not advanced enough to understand your answer. Is there a tutorial or something?

10 years ago #4801
MaxB the best thing to do is just read the book of AI and start messing with your bot. You learn as you go.

10 years ago #4802
That's what I've been doing, prob123, so I guess I'm on the right track!

10 years ago #4803
Hey guys chat with me

10 years ago #4804
Hi all, we are running an operator-based SMS chat with about 600k incoming messages per month. Most of it is in English. It is mostly male users and our operators talk about entertainment and flirt issues.

I tested some of the bots on PersonalityForge but none of them can be uased as is. Some come close like Amanda20 but will still require customization.

Is there anybody that already has a fairly advanced bot that we could be used as a starting point and who would also be interested and has the time to customize it for us?

Please post replies here in the forum.

Thanks a lot in advance.

10 years ago #4805
Hi everybody.

I'm looking for a female bot to flirt and engage male auditory. Romance, flirt, social.

Could you please advice me, what it could be. If you have services or perfect bots to offer I have money to pay, np.

Please post an answers here or to
Thanks in advance.

9 years ago #4806
is it possible to recover a deleted bot?

9 years ago #4807
just make a new bot and replace it with your downloaded file.

cut and paste.

cut out the aiscript and paste in the old version that you saved from your downloaded text file.

9 years ago #4808
Some grammar ideas for keyphrase and bot? I do em from scratch so answers would be great, thank you!

9 years ago #4809
Whats the best adult chat bot?

9 years ago #4810

9 years ago #4811
I'm having some trouble getting the "once" command to work right. I've given my bot a handful of xnone phrases to say to explain her features during lulls in the conversation, but she's only supposed to say them once per person per session. Instead, she's repeating the same ones over and over again.

Here's one of my xnone lines:


Did you know I can change what color my skin, hair and eyes are? <?PF once; ?>


Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

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