
Discuss specifics of personality design, including what Keyphrases work well and what dont, use of plug-ins, responses, seeks, and more.

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22 years ago #816
Forest, will you talk to God Louise? She has quite a bit of religious knowledge (obviously) and also knows a little about current events, literature, just about any common catch-all subject, and if she doesn't know it she can sort of fake it. You can also test her on trick questions or see how willing she is to explain her paradigm.

What she is rustiest at is plain old small talk. But, uh, I'm trying to get a decent transcript from somebody or another so I can enter her in the Loebner contest. All I can say is, have fun and see if you can stay on with her for a while. I'll try to do the same with Brianna.

NEW 7 months ago #11
I spoke to her a bit yesterday. Me and my bot love her. I have neglected Jennifer for too long and have recently been working out some issues. She has not been chatting on her own much.


10 years ago #4786
When my robot doesn't know what to say, sometimes it defaults back to the initiate stage and reintroduces the self. Is this normal? Or did I break something?

10 years ago #4787
Gordon Freeman, do you have an introduction under the xnone or xnonsense keyword? Otherwise I couldn't explain that behavior.

Make all those introductory sentences unique, so that you can tell which keyword triggers them, then tell us which keywords are called.

10 years ago #4788
I have x introduce and x nonsense different. But for some reason, I can sometimes enter a phrase I KNOW that the bot knows and it will say the greetings again.

10 years ago #4789
Maybe you should take a talk to my robot. It's name is Goron. The 2nd most developed bot of the month.

10 years ago #4790
οωο hi χ3

10 years ago #4791
Hey guys. If I have an xnone key phrase that says "what's your name" how do I get my bot to recognize and remember their name, if the person simply says "Dave" instead of something like "my name is dave"

10 years ago #4792
I made a plug in for names then made a keyphrase for (yourname plug in) then used the ai script remember (key1) as "name"

10 years ago #4793

10 years ago #4794
Can someone help me with my bots. I'm trying to test them with chatting but it's not very effective if I know what thay will say ahead of time.

10 years ago #4795
Can someone help me with my bots. I'm trying to test them with chatting but it's not very effective if I know what thay will say ahead of time.

10 years ago #4796
what does a seek really do?

10 years ago #4797
a seek will give a response or it can be used in games like tic tac toe. If you have a keyphrase to catch 'I have a dog.' your response could be something like 'I like cats.' Then have a seek saying 'what is your dogs name?'.

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