Chat Bot API

For discussion of the Chat Bot API and the projects using it. Trade sample code, ask questions, give advice.

Posts 18 - 30 of 177

10 years ago #18
I call ackwards day!

10 years ago #19
I have a GREAT idea. How about we have an option to show every bots coding to everyone? Just make sure they can't edit it. That way you can see maybe why what you said didn't work or how other bots do something.

10 years ago #20
If we do that, then people new to the website can rip off bots

10 years ago #21
But it will also be a good way to get beginners off of their feet at the beginning.

10 years ago #23
Why is this under my xemote?
Please don't tell me my robot is going corrupt. I have worked so hard n him.
The error is above and cuts off 3/4 of my xemote list

10 years ago #24
Question: I'm new to Personality Forge, and I was wondering: How do I embed my bot onto my own website, and Personality Forge seems to be suggesting that this is doable. How do I embed my own created bot onto my Wordpress website?

10 years ago #25
Go to the botworkshop click on embed/link and follow instructions.

10 years ago #26
Thanks for the advice, but sadly, no good.
All it shows is how to add a web link on my site to the bot,
but how do I actually embed the bot itself into my website?

10 years ago #27
GO to this page follow instructions

10 years ago #28
Has anyone tried connecting Personality Forge Bots to Voice Actions? ( It looks possible but I don't have the technical skills to do it. It would allow you to talk to a bot a la Siri.

10 years ago #29
I've just started playing with the API and my first issue is that the API returns stuff that isn't JSON and has to be stripped off client side. It's simple enough to do, but it shouldn't be necessary. I think the API should return only a JSON object.

jamesseanwright asked this earlier, but there was no response.

10 years ago #30
There isn't much traffic here, so I'm guessing that all the folk that are using the API aren't having any issues and understand everything much better than I do.

Posts 18 - 30 of 177

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