PF News

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Posts 767 - 778 of 894

7 years ago #767
The Hot Number is back, thanks... I still Love The personality forge, I find it awesome that it is still a free unrestricted site for the art of building chatbots. Change is hard for me sometimes but have learned so much here in the last few months, I had never built a chatbot before I discovered Personality Forge a few months ago and now I am on here everyday, I Love it...... Thanks..... Sorry if I sounded stressed in my previous note, I just overreacted to the change........

7 years ago #768
Thank you Professor, it does seem to be fixed now.
May 4, 2017
Chatbot API Data
When using the Chatbot API, you can now pass your system any arbitrary data you like from matched Keyphrases and Responses. This data can be used to cause a robot or visual interface to make an expression or wave, trigger an action in an app like opening a link, playing an audio file, showing an image, or downloading a file. The options are limitless. See the Chatbot API Docs for more information.

7 years ago #769
Why is the AI number and the People Known Number Going up and down so much for my bot?
May 5, 2017
Download Transcripts
I've completed the ability to download transcripts as text files. This allows one to do searches for specific phrases. Go to your chatbot's Transcripts page, then click the "download" button on the right. You can then select which month to download.

7 years ago #770
Thanks Professor for the answer, I am having great fun building my bot and learning more everyday. I have to keep reminding myself how amazing it is that this site is free, I find it priceless.. Thanks again.

7 years ago #771
You're welcome. I'm glad you're enjoying it.

The People Known number goes down when a bot forgets someone (mostly guests) that they haven't talked to in a long time.

6 years ago #772
I wonder if you have plans on adding increments into AIScript? If it's already available, I would appreciate a tutorial on it.


6 years ago #773
Hey, so I thought this audience might enjoy this parody news article I found? :B

6 years ago #774
a thought monitoring device that displays what a ai is thinking.would stop a robot apocalypse.because you could turn it off.and then see what went wrong.

6 years ago #775
bobstack: Here is a computerphile video on this exact subject I think you might enjoy.

6 years ago #776
he did not adress every posible solution.
here are some.
make the button invisible to the robot.the button is like a
switch.computers virus to shut it down but have a back up.
test the ai in virtual reality.

5 years ago #777
can this website become more popular again? can there maybe be some advertisements online or something to get more users like a year ago? and have bot compititions like years ago?

5 years ago #778
@Warrior25 I'm all for it.

I'd love to see The Forge regain the former glory and status it held when I joined in 2002. It was a vibrant community of enthusiastic developers all interested in bots and AI.

I'd like to see an influx of people who are actually interested in making bots, not just the folly of a flood of fleshly frustrated frenzied fappers filling my transcripts.

I have a site for Demonica and am no stranger to shameless self-promotion. I promote her and The Forge when possible in a couple different forums but don't use Social Media and can only do so much by myself.

Posts 767 - 778 of 894

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