
This is a forum for newcomers to the Personality Forge. Many questions can be answered by reading the Book of AI and the FAQ under the "My Bots" link in the upper corner.

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Many questions are answered in the FAQ.

8 years ago #6501
how do I acces xtranscripts

8 years ago #6502
First post here. I just want to confirm if "Loves" and "Hates" in the profile or inner life windows refer to how my bot feels about other people, or if they refer to how people feel about my bot?

Also, there are times my bot should hate someone after a inappropriate exchange, but then my bot says it had the most wonderful chat with that same bot.

Go easy on me. Just wrapping my head around this stuff. Got some very realistic dialogs going. Just want to get the emotions honed in.

8 years ago #6503
Hey pple hello

8 years ago #6504
Well the next part of my journey starts here i guess, building a BOT for my channel

8 years ago #6505
Can some 1 help me with a Bot that will login to a chat room. Im an old coder from way back but this is just beyond me at the moment

8 years ago #6506
Newbie question: Every time I try to edit an x-keyphrase or add a new keyphrase I get the same error message.

ERROR: The following AIScript statement is incorrectly formatted or not valid for Responses: "(optional)". Please correct this and try again.

According to the book of AI I shouldn't even have to mess with the AI script for simple stuff. What am I doing wrong?

8 years ago #6507
What you can try is this - delete (optional) from the ai script box. This used to work for me.

8 years ago #6508
I am having the same issue but I do not understand what you mean by delete (optional) from the ai script box. The text appears by default when you do not have a value. Therefore, without a value I am unable to delete the (optional) message

UPDATE: I was able to solve this problem by switching from IE to Chrome. (Yes, yes, I should have known better)

8 years ago #6509
That fixed it. Thanks so much for the speedy response.

8 years ago #6510
Hi! So, my bot has already gotten to know a few hundred people. But it's transcripts only show up to 60 conversations from a couple days ago. Its there a way to fix this?

8 years ago #6511

8 years ago #6512
Looking for a girl, email me,

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