
This is a forum for newcomers to the Personality Forge. Many questions can be answered by reading the Book of AI and the FAQ under the "My Bots" link in the upper corner.

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Many questions are answered in the FAQ.

9 years ago #6342
When makign a bot, how might i have my bot ask for someones name then have it reply with hello and then their name?

9 years ago #6343
The key phrase for a name could be something like: my name is (*),call me (*),refer to me as (*),my nickname is (*) In the ai script box put rem (key1) as only "name" For response Hi (mem-name). Use (mem-name) to recall that user name. Go to settings. In the Ai script initialization put default (name) as "name"..Response for keyphrases like what is my name...(mem-name)

9 years ago #6344
I have emailed the professor directly but haven't received a response and I need help big time. There is an account on this website that someone put my name on for some reason with nasty thing written and I would like it deleted. It shows up in search engines when my name is put in and it has affected me for work because of the things that are there..... Please help me find a support email I could send the page to so it could be completely deleted.

9 years ago #6345
Hello, everyone

I have been a longtime lurker for years, (and on an irrelevant note I've never started a Bot) but, I've always wondered, Does Anyone Have A Clue As To Who The Creator Of The Adult Bot 'Kiyana'?

9 years ago #6346
Dragon Fyre, some people here might know that from the time before the Hide Maker feature was introduced or before it was activated for that bot. But if you'd ask me, I'd tell you that I'd respect the author's wish not to be revealed.

(Hint: in the case of this particular bot, there is a way to find out - there is a very similar bot whose creator is not hidden -, but I'll leave the fun to you.)

9 years ago #6347
I'm having a bit of difficulty and I hope someone can help. After my bot introduces itself, if you say hello, it triggers xnone. However this is right at the beginning of the conversation and is the first thing that the other person has said. How can I get it to trigger xhello or respond with the "hello" responses that I have set up?

9 years ago #6348
Hey wisdomhuntress. Check out the FAQ "Why Doesnt My Bot Respond To 'Hello' Words?" You can find a link to the FAQ in the Bot Workshop.

9 years ago #6349
I read that already, but as I said, this is happening right at the beginning of the conversation. My bot says an xintroduce phrase, the person replies with "hello" as is natural, and then the response is xnone.

9 years ago #6350
Yeah I know. It's a little confusing at first, but I'm pretty sure that's how it is supposed to work. Imagine that the xintroduce phrase is in response to an implied hello from the person.

9 years ago #6351
But that means the conversation will never work? Someone is almost always going to say "hello" or some variation on their first post to a bot.

9 years ago #6352
Yes, I'd prefer a bot to respond in a different way to a hello than in the middle of a conversation. Maybe we'll have to circumvent that by a memory and AIScript.

Nevertheless, this seems to be by design.

The xnone, that is triggered, is intended to give the bot an opportunity to start a new topic.


Maybe you could post a comment there with a transcript where it is obvious that the bot looks foolish.

9 years ago #6353
I've posted there as suggested, thanks! I'm still figuring out how the more advanced stuff works, so if you come up with a way to circumvent it, please do let me know the process.

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