Bug Stomp

Upgrades and changes sometimes have unpredictable results, so post your bugs and glitches in here and I'll get out my trusty wrench and get to fixin'!

Posts 8,107 - 8,118 of 8,662

8 years ago #8107
i cant update bio when i try it says this. Database Error: There was an issue with a database query.

8 years ago #8108
Zeak103 - thanks for reporting this. I've fixed the issue.

8 years ago #8109
I can't add any seeks, I'm getting a database error, so my development is at a bit of a standstill

8 years ago #8110
The database error seems to be around for almost a month, and I've noticed on the forums that you've been trying to fix it before. Can I ask how bad the situation is Professor

8 years ago #8111
Turing test booth issues.
Initially it takes issue with opening booths, for me at least.
It also fails to let me respond ie, i type response hit send message and it loads up a blank page with the forges header footer and side bar, nothing more.

it also insists that I log out after opening a booth before the booth is actually available...


*edit* I should mention I'm using the latest version of google chrome, but the issues (all of them) also happen when I try it on my blackberry playbook (though the tablet is old so that isn't really a surprise)

8 years ago #8112
Whenever I try to create a new bot, an error message appears saying There's an error with the database query.

8 years ago #8113
hi Doctor Botnado, to me it seems it works. when you press "creat a new bot" can you see the page where you can choose the bot image, the name and so on or do you have the error message before looking at it?

8 years ago #8114
Hi Seneca,I see the error message after "create a new bot"
I can see the page where I can choose the bot image and the name. The error message appears after I press create bot.
Also Avast Antivirus sent a message that it blocked
something on the page because a license was revoked.

8 years ago #8115
Your antivirus online protection/firewall may be blocking it you might have to give the forge permission in it.

8 years ago #8116
Hi, can someone fix the bug where all conversations are still being added to the October 29th dated transcript? It's been reported as a bug for a few days now, but is still happening!

8 years ago #8117
@69fastback Is that what's going on? I can't actually see that far back in my transcripts,but about 1/3rd to 1/2 of them are missing. And of the ones that do show up,usually most of the transcript seems to be chopped off.When my bot talks to a forge user,the transcript does not show up at all,and these transcripts don't seem to be searchable via the search box.

8 years ago #8118
I tried to go to my bots' Inner life pages, a blank page is shown for my bots. Anyone else experiencing this with their bots' Inner life pages?

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