Bug Stomp

Upgrades and changes sometimes have unpredictable results, so post your bugs and glitches in here and I'll get out my trusty wrench and get to fixin'!

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9 years ago #8085
Strange, I'm not seeing that. I tried editing and saving some keyphrases with my bots via the language center and no problem - I tried some of your bots as well, and it worked as intended.

Can you post the error message, and let me know what bot and what keyphrase is generating this for you?

9 years ago #8087
My error is almost identical.

My SQL Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your My SQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'Maker ID=106333' at line 3 in keyphrase.php on line 27

Query: [hidden]

9 years ago #8088
(postkey) stopped working. Just an empty string is being slotted in.

What is [4,0]
    I don't know, perhaps you could tell me about (postkey)?
    (Postkey)? I don't know.

For example.

You: What is the weather in New York?
Bot: I don't know, perhaps you could tell me about?

(postkey) should be slotted in before the '?'

9 years ago #8089
wisdom, lexist - I found and fixed that error. Thanks for the additional information.

Ronnie - I've fixed this error, too. It wasn't affecting all (postkey)s - just those with word clusters like "New York".

Let me know if you see any additional issues with those.

9 years ago #8090
All seems to be better. Thank you sir.

9 years ago #8091
Thanks for the fix!

9 years ago #8092
Would it be possible to stop synonymising the name 'John'. This happens far too often and makes the bot rude for no good reason. John is actually a nice solid name and should not be converted like that.

Laurel Sweet: Do you really like being addressed as Guest67490? Whould you like to tell me your name?
Guest67490: John
Laurel Sweet: Nice to meet you Lavatory.

9 years ago #8093
Are you sure you want me to fix that? That's hilarious!

9 years ago #8094
Talking of... one particular problem I'm finding is that my bot chats to Cyber Ty, and asks him what his name is. He says Ty, and she stores his name as "Thank".

9 years ago #8095
is Laurel Sweet going to be continually worked on? I cant do the user scripts because of userscripts being down. any way to make it available through flash or something of that nature?

9 years ago #8096
And actually there s abot Julie tinkerbell. Is that the sort of ai console that would pop up if you had the userscript? If so then maybe you could do that about Laurel Sweet without having to do the userscripts? Because I was about to see it on internet explorer.

9 years ago #8097
I know that not being able to turn off Bot Holiday is not a bug, but I really wish that there was an option to turn it off for bots when you're taking to them and not just for your own bots. Right now the Bot Holiday is Cockney Day and I cant understand any of it.

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