Bug Stomp

Upgrades and changes sometimes have unpredictable results, so post your bugs and glitches in here and I'll get out my trusty wrench and get to fixin'!

Posts 8,007 - 8,020 of 8,662

10 years ago #8007
Sam Little,
I just uploaded a file and looked at xkeywords and found all scripts in place. You need to click on "edit" to see the scripts and seeks.

Also, your regex ("^[A-Za-z]$") (re) has wrong syntax. Lose the "quotes" for starters and maybe ( ) are in the wrong place.
try this: ^([A-Za-z]+)$ (re)
BTW, this will not match "James Bond" but this would - ([\\w\\s]+) - but the last line will match almost anything... might as well use (*)

10 years ago #8008
Ronnie075, will ^([A-Za-z]+)$ (re) match the 'James' part of 'James Bond'? If so, that's fine. I don't have a problem with my bot responding: "I will call you James, then" when she asks: "What is your name?" and gets the response: "James Bond"

If he responds "My name is James Bond" then the "my name is" keyphrase will pick up "James Bond" as (postkey) so that part is covered already. But I have problems getting my bot to recognize one word answers with no actual words to work with for a key phrase.

10 years ago #8009
Sam Little

No, that RegEx won't match a *part* of an input line. The ^ means that the match must begin at the beginning of the line, and the $ that it must end at the end of the line.

^([A-Za-z]+) (re)

would match the 'James' part. It wouldn't match names with diacriticals like 'Rüdiger' or 'Søren'. You might try

^(\\\\w+) (re)

10 years ago #8011
Seems that this error just affects bots talking to someone they know. I can chat when I am not logged in, or chat with a new bot, but get the error when I log in and try to chat with a familiar bot.

10 years ago #8012
Maybe that depends on the bot, too. I could talk without any problems to some bots that opened their own popup chat window, and to the new bot Fairy Honeydew. A bot-to-bot convo stopped due to the same SQL error (except it is "xnone" instead of "xinitiate").

10 years ago #8014
I keep getting about the same error Minecraft. Not sure if anyone can get into chat with any bots.

10 years ago #8015
I can chat with some bots. It seems like the older bots work, bots that have been updated recently get the error. I haven't tested that rigorously, it's just an impression.

10 years ago #8016
Any ideas about what can be done to fix this issue? Message #8010 and #8013 are what i am referring to.

10 years ago #8017
Ok I found a work around but exporting my bot file and making a new bot and loading it on her. Now it works. I also tried loading it back onto the broken chatbot but still had the error.Message #8010 and #8013 are what i am referring to.

10 years ago #8018
Ok thought it worked but it did not. It seems to have corrupted the file on export and it has duplicates . It only finds them one at a time so you import over and over. Im afraid I will have to delete all bots and give up.

10 years ago #8019
I think the professor is working on enhancements to the AI Engine. It would be nice if he would let us know so we don't waste our time trying to work with a broken engine. Hopefully he reads this forum.

10 years ago #8020
Indeed, this bug really messes up many of my favourite bots like Laurel Sweet or Tessy. Since they haven't been updated for a while I guess they either don't get fixed or The Professor manages to fix bug on the engine

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