The AI Engine

This forum is for discussion of how The Personality Forge's AI Engine works. This is the place for questions on what means what, how to script, and ideas and plans for the Engine.

Posts 7,137 - 7,148 of 7,766

9 years ago #7137
I am hoping some one will answer this one but I can't remember how to make a bot recognize a Synonym for a work for example yes, yep, ya etc all mean the same thing.

9 years ago #7138
Hello! Do you guys know why my bot talks like that "But I must warn yo' ass, if yo' ass say yez, yo' ass will be de only turkey. Ah be sure yo' ass can handle it." with me and a couple of users? All the words come from nowere!

9 years ago #7139
It is because of bot holidays. The professor has it set up so that they can talk different on different days.

9 years ago #7140
Thank you And do you know if The professor still comes on his website?

9 years ago #7141
I have not seen him yet but I can toss a email at him.

9 years ago #7142
Hello. I'm new here and I've only just started to dabble in the use of AIScripts.

I've got a bot to remember the names of people it talks to, but I'm having a problem with a default phrase that comes up when someone repeats the same phrase.

Bot: "Yes, Guest*****, I've heard that one before."

It clearly uses (name) but it looks odd when my bot has already remembered and referred to the user by the name remembered in (mem-name). Is there a way to either edit this phrase to use (mem-name) instead or to remove this phrase from being used at all when a user repeats themselves?

9 years ago #7143
I believe this sentence is part of the template, you can't change it.

9 years ago #7144
Thanks. But that's a shame that it can't be changed. It would have been nice if we could have changed those messages like with the messages shown in the x-keywords.

9 years ago #7145
I agree

9 years ago #7146
I'm a little confused about the gender aspect. I know you can use the if male and if female scripts to tailor responses based on gender, but I'm having issues where no response is chosen because the bot doesn't know the gender, even though the user has stated it. Is there something I need to do to set this as a variable when the user declares their gender?

9 years ago #7147
How do you make a bot respond with your name when you say my name is ..... and when the bot should respond with your name on other statements (second one is memory, other one isnt)

9 years ago #7148

There is a (very) short tutorial in the Book of AI:

If you want to call the user by name in the direct response, you have to use the same key as in the setting of the name - (mem-name) doesn't work right there. (This is the case with all memories.)

(And the memory tutorial isn't in the expert section without a reason. It is rather hard to do if you're neither experienced with PF bots nor a programmer.)

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