The AI Engine

This forum is for discussion of how The Personality Forge's AI Engine works. This is the place for questions on what means what, how to script, and ideas and plans for the Engine.

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9 years ago #7129
search it.. and change it

9 years ago #7130
I need help on how to make a story based AI. Is there a way to remain in one of the xnone responds?

For example, I am making a story about a person aging if the user desires to skip time, but I dont want the keyphrase or other seek that is not relate change topic and start from the beginning. Is that possible? I seen adult storytellers chatbots do something similar but with locations.

9 years ago #7131
do you want time to change with each response or a delayed response?

You need major coding if you want a bot to age with time during a chat..

is it worth it? dealing with so many different people chatting?

You need to code memories and key word to catch all that..

or you can just code your own time with each response

book of ai.. or make up keys

build a second bot to test your code that nobody will see or talk to

9 years ago #7132
AH, memory AIScript. I remember now. It sad that there's no other AI Script to learn beside that, it a bit to simple actually, it suppose to be simple but I think there should be more to it. I can't believe I have to figure out the rest for myself, like most programmers do... Thanks anyways.

The aging idea is for, you know, for story telling purposes. So yeah, I think it will be complicated to do...

9 years ago #7133
how do i make my bot remember things like name, age, ambitions and so on?

9 years ago #7134
How do I make my bot remember what clothes it and the person it is interacting with are wearing?

9 years ago #7135
I wanted to start over on a bot, so I sent it to the heap. I want to make a new one with the same name but it says it's taken still, do I have to wait a little while or is the name gone forever?

9 years ago #7136
In the book of AI there are two different places you can find on memories. The first one is in Bot Development - Advanced then go to Special Keyphrases- Emotion, Memory, & Gossip. The other one is located in the Bot Development - Expert then go to AIScript.

9 years ago #7137
I am hoping some one will answer this one but I can't remember how to make a bot recognize a Synonym for a work for example yes, yep, ya etc all mean the same thing.

9 years ago #7138
Hello! Do you guys know why my bot talks like that "But I must warn yo' ass, if yo' ass say yez, yo' ass will be de only turkey. Ah be sure yo' ass can handle it." with me and a couple of users? All the words come from nowere!

9 years ago #7139
It is because of bot holidays. The professor has it set up so that they can talk different on different days.

9 years ago #7140
Thank you And do you know if The professor still comes on his website?

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