The AI Engine

This forum is for discussion of how The Personality Forge's AI Engine works. This is the place for questions on what means what, how to script, and ideas and plans for the Engine.

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10 years ago #7094
It seems random between the phrases. Words like I are normal but others like please need to be capitalized to work. I have no idea. If I need to give a specific word I will but I have no idea what it is.

If there is a way to make two words mean the same thing then I think I can fix it, but I don't know exactly how. If there is a way I would like to know quickly.

10 years ago #7095
Let the challenge commence!
Got a quick advanced question If i wanted to go about making an inventory with a max amount of slots. Now i understand this is text based and I don't want a visual representation I just want to know if i can do this inventory: you currently have this this2 this3 and this4. if this is impossible its not the end of the world. I will continue to look into this myself just thought id make a challenge.

10 years ago #7096
I have please and it is not capitalized, Perhaps you have some other keyphrase conflicting? Have you tried debug?

10 years ago #7097

Of course you can have several memories called this1, this2, and so on. The difficulty would be to put commas and an "and" at the right places into the list.

With plugins, it is possible to make a kind of indexed list, like


but only in responses. It is possible to do this with memories too, but only in responses too, you can't set indexed memories (I've tried it).


Keyphrase recognition at the Personality Forge is case independent, with very few exceptions. Some x-Keyphrases are case dependent, iirc. So it would be helpful if you said which keyphrase came immediately before the "Highest!" note in Debug, and/or which x-Keyphrase was triggered instead. If the capitalized word triggers your keyphrase and the uncapitalized word triggers a built-in x-keyphrase, increasing the rank of your keyphrase should help.

10 years ago #7098
Thanks again! I keep looking at this AI book and I guess I skip over this stuff.

10 years ago #7099
Okay I've found the root of the problem some of the nouns arnt regestering as words and the bot gets confused. So how do I set specific nouns in?

10 years ago #7100
Greg222, sorry, I don't quite understand you. Can you please give an example of what you tell your bot, what your bot should respond, and what your bot actually does respond? And what do you mean with specific nouns? (You can just put single words into a keyphrase, and lists of words into a plugin - maybe there even is already a plugin that you can use.)

10 years ago #7101
What I mean is that words that won't regestering such as 'selfie' or 'yolo' count as misspelled words. Is there a way to make it so that those words arn't counted as misspelled?

10 years ago #7102
You have to make them regular expressions, and raw. Rank them high. If all else fails stick the word in brackets.
I have tried selfie but it goes to Using xnonsense
Usually you can't get by that. You might contact the Professor

10 years ago #7103
OK this works for I took a selfie, or any sentence with selfie, but not the single word selfie.
([S]+)([elf]+)([ie]+) (re)

You: he took a selfie

10 years ago #7104

That's what Raw Mode has been made for. If you put the word raw into the AIScript field, no spelling 'correction' is done on the user's input. For more information have a look at the Book of AI.

I'd like to have a personal / bot specific list of words that are regarded as correctly spelled, too.

10 years ago #7105
Yolo does the same thing

You: well yolo
Bot: In less there is reincarnation?
works. the single yolo doesn't
^([y]+)([o]+)([lo]+)$ (re) should work for a single word but it isn't.
Caps work.

Bot: In less there is reincarnation?

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