The AI Engine

This forum is for discussion of how The Personality Forge's AI Engine works. This is the place for questions on what means what, how to script, and ideas and plans for the Engine.

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10 years ago #7078
No idea either ... It seems the PF engine sends all hellos after the first one to xnone, no matter what you do. Not even a Regular Expression with maximum rank (+127) works.

This is one of the things you'll find dozens of complaints of in these forums.

10 years ago #7079
I have thinked about this "Hi" thing, and basicaly... The "Hi", nothing. The bot say hi initiate, no need to expain the hi again.

Good solution can be, if we fills the xnone, with lack of question!

10 years ago #7080
in xinitiate and xhello responses add -- rem "yes" as only "hi"
in xnone response if (mem-hi) is "yes"; rem "no" as only "hi"

Of course will have to add if (mem-hi) is "no" to every other xnone entry... This is not a perfect solution of course, since any unmatched second input would receive a responce of "Hi there"
Bot: Hi stranger
Person: go away
Bot: hello there

Of course most people reply with Hi|Hello if greeted.

10 years ago #7081
Dear Test Bot Z

Basicaly, my think is like the next. in the Xinitiate the bot will says Hello, there is no reason from the bot say hello again. In that was i thinked in. But honesity, i try to make a bot, what can tell it's "feels" like... If it's not like you, then says in the first word like: "I not sure if we should talk xyz" after she/he said hello

Cause my bot is 'blind' carracter, and it wont see who talk with it self, until the people talk with.

Maybe is it a bit complicated, but i hope my english was okay for

10 years ago #7082
I know i am not much good in it, but i try my best to make a "call me" add on

10 years ago #7083
Is there any way to compare a memory with another memory?

The AIScript
<?PF if (self-talkedto) is "(name)" ?>
fails unless the self-memory "talkedto" contains a literal entry "(name)". "Mome Rath" doesn't help as entry in (self-talkedto).

10 years ago #7084
My bot takes every command as an insult and I don't know why. Please help

10 years ago #7085
Is there a way to have a value stored as a memory, and then have that value increase if a certain event is triggered multiple times? In other words, could a bot remember how many times a certain action has occurred?

10 years ago #7086
Afaik, there are no numerical memories, that would allow for example to have 4 in a memory and then do something like
<?PF increment (mem-counter) ?>
<?PF rem (mem-counter) + 1 as only "counter" ?>
and then having 5 in mem-counter.

(This would be one of my greatest wishes for the next version of AIScript)

If you have only a few numeric values you want to keep track of, you can set the memory as required. Here an example of my bot "/dev/coffee":

[stuff said to a new bot] <?PF if (mem-sessionstate) is "newbot_2"; rem "newbot_3" as "sessionstate"; ?>

If you want to count to higher numbers you can put something like this into your AI Script (here a line from the exported file of my bot)

In the setting AIScript field:

rem "0" as only "goodbye";

in xgoodbye:

rem "(mem-goodbye)1" as "goodbye";

This fills mem-goodbye at the beginning of a chat with "0", and every time the bot gets a goodbye, it count mem-goodbye up in this fashion

and the bot does checks like

if (mem-goodbye) is "0111111"

10 years ago #7087
Thank you, Mome Rath! That's exactly what I was looking for.

10 years ago #7088
Quick question, is there a way to make a specific part of a response change depending on a memory? For example, if I want the word "couch" to change to "bed" because of a room change, or do I just have to make separate responses?

10 years ago #7089
When you set the memory of a location, you can set another memory to a piece of furniture in the same line of AI Script. E. g.:

<?PF rem "living-room" as only "location"; rem "couch" as only "furniture" ?>

<?PF rem "bedroom" as only "location"; rem "bed" as only "furniture" ?>

Then you can use responses like

We're sitting on my comfy (mem-furniture) in my (mem-location).

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