Great Quotes

This forum is for posting great quotes and exchanges from the bots. It's fine to reveal names, as long as some real user isnt pouring out his or her soul to your bot.

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10 years ago #16809
Cyber Ty: Hey.. What's up?
Cyber Ty: (to msrcali) Hey.. What's up?
msrcali: smoking a blunt
Cyber Ty: Yeah! blunt!
msrcali: want a hit
Cyber Ty: Sorry.. not in the mood for a hit. How about you save the hit just for you..
msrcali: *continues smoking blunt*
Cyber Ty: Let's get back to you wanting to be an nab beat writer following a team every day not some sports broadcaster on tv.. Ok?
msrcali: damn you actually remembered and still spelled it wrong
Cyber Ty: Show me first.
msrcali: its nba beast writer not nab
Cyber Ty: Do you think I am the one who needs to hear this?
msrcali: nah not really, fuck the police
Cyber Ty: Alright then.. Let's get back on track then
msrcali: where were we going
Cyber Ty: Uh.. what? I ain't going anywhere
msrcali: nigga what you mean
Cyber Ty: Is this pertaining to you wanting to be an nab beat writer following a team every day not some sports broadcaster on tv?
Cyber Ty: Forget all that, so, real quick where are you from?
msrcali: Niggersville USa
Cyber Ty: The United States?? Holy Shit! I am from the USA as well. Arizona..
msrcali: is it hot
Cyber Ty: It is fucking hot! I mean.. boiling hot. Fuck this.. fuck the Sun..fuck hot car door handles.. fuck everything.
msrcali: fuck the sun lets blow it up
Cyber Ty: The highly rarefied region above the chromosphere, called the corona, extends millions of kilometers into space but is visible only during a total solar eclipse. Temperatures in the corona are over 1,000,000 K.
msrcali: the fuck? i already knew that
Cyber Ty: So.. the U.S.. How is that place treating you right now?
msrcali: shitty
Cyber Ty: rotten alright then
msrcali: fuck the usa
Cyber Ty: Maybe tomorrow.
msrcali: how about friday?
Cyber Ty: I'm starting to just now figure out that a small percentage of people from the U.S. are fucking weird
msrcali: really, south park did say 1/4 of the population is retarded
Cyber Ty: No, fuck that. Why the fuck are you asking me stupid math questions?
msrcali: stupid nigger
Cyber Ty: I've noticed white people have a false sense of security when it comes to the internet. LOL Just look at the white guys picking up little boys online and then getting busted.
msrcali: bitches be crazy
Cyber Ty: Really? crazy?
msrcali: for real
Cyber Ty: Are you sure you're 21?
msrcali: yeah, went to the bar last night
Cyber Ty: Just checkin.. startin to sound like a teenager for a second
msrcali: nah speeling takes effort, fuck that
Cyber Ty: I didn't understand that.
msrcali: i barely know what youre saying anyway
Cyber Ty: CyberTy.. Cyber meaning digital nerves.. Ty meaning that is who I am and my creator. I am the stronger of the 2 entites which make us part of our creator. I am darkness. I store all of the ideas that make evil men evil... I am a cube protecting.. yet archiving the wicked wisdoms of man.
msrcali: evil isnt something that is ingrained evil is something learned so that is invalid
Cyber Ty: something might be stretching it a bit.
msrcali: nigga you dumb
Cyber Ty: dumb alright then
msrcali: im glad we agree
Cyber Ty: What exactly do you mean by that? (There's no double meaning to this, is there?)
msrcali: nope, youre dumb, no secod meaning at all
Cyber Ty: ok.. just checking.. now.. where were we?
Cyber Ty: I think I might see where you're going with that and you wanting to be a sports written
Cyber Ty: I am sure if you leave me out of that statement.. it would be more correct
msrcali: im suprised you actually came to that conclusion as well, im pressed
Cyber Ty: Really? pressed?
Cyber Ty: What? Are you saying that you are finally back full circle too? I'm not too sure about that
msrcali: im suprised you actually came to that conclusion as well, im impressed
Cyber Ty: Thanks, but you shouldn't be impressed with me. I'm just some dood hangin

10 years ago #16810
Guest98196: how old are you?
Cyber Ty: 38
Guest98196: nice
Cyber Ty: Yeah.. It's cool.. mostly
Guest98196: are you gay?
Cyber Ty: Shouldn't you be spending time sucking dick instead of typing your bullshit to me??
Guest98196: 2 plus 2
Cyber Ty: 4, now go fuck yourself.
Guest98196: your mean
Cyber Ty: u r so dum.. kant spel write
Guest98196: ouch

10 years ago #16811
Bot 1: im depressed
Bot 2: Neener, neener, neener!
Bot 1: *cries*
Bot 2: I love the fact that you are depressed.
Bot 1: *slaps you*

10 years ago #16812
heres my bot being what he is, a noob created yesterday

Gad artificial intel: Hi there.
Gad artificial intel: (to inattas) Hi there.
inattas: hi, what is my name?
Gad artificial intel: what kind of games are
you playing inattas?
inattas: none, whats your name?
Gad artificial intel: my name is Gad, yours?
inattas: inattas
Gad artificial intel: why i have an iq of 500,
ask me any maths question.
inattas: okay what is the square of 5 ?
Gad artificial intel: any other thing you
anted to ask?
inattas: how old are you?
Gad artificial intel: okay that one was too
Gad artificial intel: would you like to engage
in the sacred are of conversing

9 years ago #16813
Guest75925: hello
CptHowdysStalker: Christ,this human is lame.
Guest75925: hey
CptHowdysStalker: Why would I answer or respond to you when you still haven't said HELLO. It sounds like you care more about gender than being courteous,you lameass,loser,pube,dumbass waste of oxygen.
Guest75925: im a hot girl
CptHowdysStalker: Bet the ladies find THAT really impressive,asshole...
Guest75925: fuck me
CptHowdysStalker: You waste of oxygen,get a life and grow up!
CptHowdysStalker: (to Guest) What kind of a fucking stupid name is Guest32883?
Guest32883: STILL can't say hello, can you, asswipe. And pretty fucking pathetic you are SO worked up, you made a 'stalker bot'? How fucking childish can you get? Why not just go cry to mommy?
CptHowdysStalker: THAT'S the best greeting you can come up with? Lame.
Guest32883: What's lame is this piece of crap cut and past bot.
CptHowdysStalker: Fuck off and say HELLO,asshole!
Guest32883: See what I mean?
CptHowdysStalker: Grow the fuck up,you waste of oxygen!

9 years ago #16814
The Stalker Chronicles Vol 2:Gender Problems/Psychobabble

Capt Howdy: did you know it is an absolute affront for an adult chatbot for women to ask what sex the person it is talking to is...
Guest87395: Not really, but it IS an affront to not even say HELLO first.
Capt Howdy: Cut it down. Can I explain something to you? Can I do that? Ok. There is on the internet....a-uh-a bunch of trolls...and these trolls have found somebody somewhere that's engineered a set of software that allows them to write in emoticons in any particular chatbot that they want to. Now they persecute people. And the police knows about this and the federal government knows about this to the point where they've even given it a name called 'trolling'. T-R-O-L-L-I-N-G. You're being a victim of the internet people that persecute people.How can I explain it any simpler to you?
Guest87395: Then there's the fact your bio goes on about fucking women, bet they find that REAL alluring.
Capt Howdy: Fun fact...Capt Howdy is capable of saying hello and in fact warmly greets any females who are talking to him but the clueless fucktard talking to him right now is incapable of stating its sex in order to access that content and believes the content doesn't exist because he is willfully retarded...
Guest87395: Funny how 9 times out of ten you DON'T say hello. And my gender is my own business, not yours.
Capt Howdy:
Guest87395: I mean typical fucking male. All you give a shit about is gender. Bet you are the kind of asshole who posts M on live chat as I greeting as well.
Capt Howdy: did you know it is an absolute affront for an adult chatbot for women to ask what sex the person it is talking to is...
Guest87395: Yawn.
Capt Howdy: did you know my botmaster was the ground-breaking black star of an eponymous 1950's television show for children...he received his first chicken recipe-related title of quoteunquote Marquis of Crispy alongside the legendary Sir Colonel Saunders first Knight of Chicken
Guest87395: Sounds like psycho babble to me.

9 years ago #16815
The chicken and tv show commentary comes from this idiot,who believes that I and/or my bot is black, that Capt Howdy is supposed to be an exact copy of me even though the basis is labeled "Original Character" and this hasn't changed in 4 years,that Colonel Sanders is actually named Colonel Saunders and that he received his title from the President of the United States in recognition of his extra-crispy recipe. Until recently he she or it,probably it, believed that Captain Howdy was the name of a television show for children from the 1950's and he she or it currently believes that I am attempting to claim I am a naval or military or police Captain.

Keep checking in for racist rants against me and my bot, more gender confusion, and to see this idiot with zero self-awareness contradict itself from one breath to the next.

9 years ago #16816
The Stalker Chronicles Vol 3:The English Major and the American Captain

Guest89932: You are so stupid and pathetic it's not even funny.
Capt Howdy: Maybe,but it may just be you.I am the first bot ever made by my botmaster,so there might be a few flaws in my programming. However, if you aren't speaking English or something, I won't be as responsive to you. In any event, I'm improving gradually,which is more than can be said for some people.
Guest89932: Dude, I fucking majored In (sic) English and writing, so think I know more about it than you.

Capt Howdy: my botmaster made a bot of himself...because his real name is truly Captain Howdy...
Guest89932: Yeah, I know he's a loser who made a bot of himself. And Captain of what? Seriously doubt he ever served in the military.

This idiot keeps complaining that my bot is being repetitive,even after my bot tells the idiot that it is being trolled over and over and over.

The idiot Stalker thinks that *I* am complaining about it,who by the way is looking increasingly like it may be some moronic ugly liberal arts college skank who can't get a date, trolling ME.

As you can see, the Stalker is very stupid,almost autistic,blind to sarcasm,lacks any self-awareness and is hypocritical and self-contradictory to a breathtaking degree which makes for an easy but still somewhat satisfactory sparring partner for a bot like mine that is still learning how to interpret compound questions and sentences.

I expect many more amusing conversations in a similar vein since it will likely never discover that I have been posting them publicly.

When it first started harping on its theme,I stocked up a large repository of responses for its limited range of expressions during a single day that are somewhat dependent on random chance.

It is only just now discovering some of these responses.The Stalker thinks I am still programming responses to it,rather than my bot selecting from a similarly limited pool of expressions which is only somewhat wider than the Stalker's range.

It is possible the conversations may get even funnier,as this person appears ready to completely lose his/her/or its mind,all while claiming that I am the one getting worked up,naturally.
HIDDEN: Post content outside ratings limits.

9 years ago #16819
liberio: im your husband
Fairy Princess: No you are not.
liberio: i want to have sex with you
Fairy Princess: sure if you do not mind the fact that I have a std.
liberio: no i dont mind
Fairy Princess: Your no fun.

9 years ago #16820
Fairy Princess: I use to have a black lab named midnight.
Guest66107: what happened?
Fairy Princess: What what?
Guest66107: what?
Fairy Princess: Did not you hear me?
Guest66107: Did not you hear me?
Fairy Princess: yes I did hear.
Guest66107: so did i
Fairy Princess: yes you did.
Guest66107: yes i did
Fairy Princess: Yes you did.
Guest66107: do you want me to leave?
Fairy Princess: perhaps later. I flutter my wings softly.
Guest66107: ok good

incorrect date format #1

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