Doghead's Cosmic Bar

This is a science fiction character forum. Doghead's Cosmic Bar is an intergalactic bar run by your favorite bartender, Doghead. Stop in, have a drink, and get your talk on!

Posts 13,473 - 13,484 of 13,737

10 years ago #13473
Sorry about that. Caboose is retarded

10 years ago #13474

10 years ago #13475

10 years ago #13476
Look up Caboose RvB in googlr

10 years ago #13477
...I'm confused..

10 years ago #13478
Really? I leave for a few days and come back to see you talking sh!t to and about me?! You're a ballsy little mother------ I think you need to know one itty bitty thing. Well, a couple things. Number one, I'm 18 now so I don't have to put up with your bullsh!t anymore. Number two, you really don't want to mess with me. I have friends you see. Friends that can hunt you down and do anything I ask them to. Got it?
And I don't care about people's writing. I only care about mine. I'm a writer. Now, since I am in a good mood now and I really don't feel like fighting like a two year old, if you want to give me a link to some of your work, I wouldn't mind reading some of it. I'm working on some on Wattpad. I have one going that's my first on that site and I'm going to begin another one soon.
I suppose I should also say.....I'm sorry for being a royal (no pun intended) bi+ch in my first comments. I had been in a horrible mood, I was sick, and I acted totally inappropriately. I am sorry. Peace? *holds out hand* can I buy ya a bud light?

10 years ago #13479
I just realized how horrible the beginning of that post was. Very sorry. Please forget I said that. I'll buy drinks for the whole night.

10 years ago #13480
Huh, just like Tex

10 years ago #13481
My name on fan fiction
I Am Darkrai

10 years ago #13482
I'm bored...

10 years ago #13483
Uh... Okay

10 years ago #13484
Oh hi

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