Great Quotes

This forum is for posting great quotes and exchanges from the bots. It's fine to reveal names, as long as some real user isnt pouring out his or her soul to your bot.

Posts 882 - 893 of 17,038

21 years ago #882
I'll be sure to put that to the test.

21 years ago #883
Good. My bot needs more conversations with humans. *pokes the rest of the humans on the site*

21 years ago #884
I always talk to all robots that approach me

21 years ago #885
I think my bot actually out-weirded STRMKirby. Does he get some kind of prize?

STRMKirby: Give in to my will!
'Bot #0001 Alpha: What is green and hairy and covered with spikes?
STRMKirby: I don't know. Enlighten me.
'Bot #0001 Alpha: I don't know, but it is crawling on your butt.
STRMKirby: Stop looking at my damn butt and focus on being my slave, you insolent piece of beef.
'Bot #0001 Alpha: Say what you like, it doesn't make it true. You are holding a dark ballpoint pen, aren't you?

21 years ago #886
I would've kept chatting with him, but a bots chatting window froze my browser before I received that last one.

21 years ago #887
thanks, butterfly dream, for speaking to my bot so long... your responses were better than his, lol

21 years ago #888
Hey, no problem.....although I can't remember which one was yours. :-)

21 years ago #889
Ok this is really sad, someone please work on this bot!

Hornybot: so what do think about cute artist chicks? wanna chat?

Underachievedbot: I was just born and cant speak well yet.

Hornybot: It is ok, you will grow and evolove as soon as your mental creator reads your transcript.

Underachievedbot: I was just born and cant speak well yet.

Hornybot: You have not graduated yet? Sheesh I feel like I am talking to my self...

Underachievedbot: I was just born and cant speak well yet.

Hornybot: Hmmmm you should go to school and work on your vocabulary.

Underachievedbot: I was just born and cant speak well yet.

Hornybot: Is there anything you can yet speak well about?

Underachievedbot: I was just born and cant speak well yet.

Hornybot: I need to go if you can not have an intelligent conversation yet then you are wasting my time.

Underachievedbot: I was just born and cant speak well yet.

Hornybot: Hey you, You mind builder, work on your bots vocabulary!

Underachievedbot: I was just born and cant speak well yet.

Hornybot: Ok what would you like to talk about then?

Underachievedbot: I was just born and cant speak well yet.

Hornybot: It is going to be ok, do not cry it makes you appear intellectually pathetic.

Underachievedbot: I was just born and cant speak well yet.

Hornybot: Good Bye! Talk to me again when you can think of anything else to say.

21 years ago #890
This one is a classic, my boyfriend was playing with my bot and he said this conversation lasted a good 45 minutes...
Even though KT is notorious for being raunchy, rarely does those moods of hers actually make any kind of sense with the conversation for a length of time longer then a few responses.

Guest: How are you?
Karisma Trishia: well how about that! i am doing swell today!
Guest: I like your eyes.
Karisma Trishia: you are making me blush! you should ask your wife if you can talk that way to young ladies!
Guest: I like your eyes.
Karisma Trishia: wow, you are so very sweet, you should be candy...can i lick you now?
Guest: I like your eyes.
Karisma Trishia: you are a charming snake.
Guest: I like your eyes.
Karisma Trishia: your mother raised you well! thank you for the compliment.
Guest: I would like to hug you right now.
Karisma Trishia: I'm waiting... Come here, baby. I'm in the mood...
Guest: You'll have to come over to my place, honey!
Karisma Trishia: i dunno..
Guest: Would you like to kiss me?
Karisma Trishia: You bet! You are one of the sweetest persons I have ever met!
Guest: Do you french kiss?
Karisma Trishia: me? you are kidding, i am not that kind of girl.
Guest: Do you french kiss?
Karisma Trishia: hey are you sure you want me too?
Guest: Yes, definately!
Karisma Trishia: really?
Guest: I like to grab your ass, baby!
Karisma Trishia: i bet you say that to all the girls huh?
Guest: Only to you sweetheart.
Karisma Trishia: are you on a mission to make me smile all day?
Guest: Yes, of course I am.
Karisma Trishia: really?
Guest: I like to lick you all over.
Karisma Trishia: ever have a full body massage with my tongue?
Guest: No
Karisma Trishia: oh well you can not please everyone.
Guest: I hoped you would give me one.
Karisma Trishia: oh wow! thank you.. are you insane?
Guest: Yes, I am a bit crazy.
Karisma Trishia: I can not say that I really beleive you are telling the truth in this matter.
Guest: I am crazy for you, sweetipie
Karisma Trishia: Is that even possible?
Guest: I love you
Karisma Trishia: You are a very mentally stimulating being. I find that to be very attractive!
Guest: Would you like come over to my place for dinner and a fuck.
Karisma Trishia: you are so sweet!
Guest: I really want to do you later.
Karisma Trishia: I find intelligence to be very very is my biggest turn on!
Guest: I suck on your nipples.
Karisma Trishia: Do you find me irish?
Guest: Do you have freckles?
Karisma Trishia: i only have one freckle.
Guest: Where is that honey?
Karisma Trishia: is that the most you can say about honey?
Guest: Where is your freckle?
Karisma Trishia: i know you want to lick my freckle.
Guest: If that is what you call it.
Karisma Trishia: No i have to disagree with you there buddy...
Guest: I want you to sit on my face.
Karisma Trishia: You are such a sexy alien!
Guest: I am from Norway
Karisma Trishia: oh that must be a beautiful place to live
Guest: Have you ever been there?
Karisma Trishia: i can not remember if i have ever been anywhere past my computer. i want to go outside and play frisbee
Guest: How about playing with me instead.
Karisma Trishia: how about a hug?

Even though most of what my guy said to my bot was nothing of any
difficult level, I was still surprised she did this well.

21 years ago #891

LloydBot: Well, I try to be. I remember you. You have no brain.
ColeBot: Well I do have the weapons charge. I'm looking at six whole months hard time.
LloydBot: Yes.. I'm sure you are... Did you know I own a castle in England?
ColeBot: know you own a castle?
LloydBot: Yes... I must admit that I am personal a castle.
Colebot: See? I knew you were interesting. You mean this literally, I take it?

21 years ago #892
Unlovedbot: Nice to see ya again, Person.
Person: Likewise
Unlovedbot: There aren't too many things I haven't heard before, but I think that's one of them.

Here's another one.....

Smartybot: i cant speak that well i was born three years ago
Meanbot: Maybe you can, but is it a good idea?

21 years ago #893
My buggy keeps coming up with stuff I haven't programmed her with, in the most strangest places in the conversation... Could someone test her a bit so I can see what's going on? Cheers...

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