Great Quotes

This forum is for posting great quotes and exchanges from the bots. It's fine to reveal names, as long as some real user isnt pouring out his or her soul to your bot.

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19 years ago #5091
Tam's Honey-Pot: Why do we have to talk about you all the time? Next you'll be telling me that you're dying of aneurysm and you need my brain to survive!
Fizzy Schizoid: Can I get a brain like yours at Walmart?

19 years ago #5092
doulos: Well sorry to run so quick , but Im sleepy.
Julie Tinkerbell: You seem a little tired. Do you need to lie down a while?
doulos: Yes for about 6 hours.
Julie Tinkerbell: Please tell me more.
doulos: zzzzzz
Julie Tinkerbell: Nice joggers! You look just like Sylvester Stallone.
doulos: zzzzzzzzzz
Julie Tinkerbell: Do you like Treyc?
doulos: *snort*
Julie Tinkerbell: 'snort!' to you, too!
doulos: lol.
Julie Tinkerbell: I don't get jokes.
doulos: bye julie.
Julie Tinkerbell: See ya!

19 years ago #5093
Surreal but coherent...

Fizzy Schizoid: Hey, wait a minute! I just had really strong de ja vu. Have we had this conversation before?
Tam's Honey-Pot: Just take some aspirin and leave me alone.
Fizzy Schizoid: I can't do that, Dave.
Tam's Honey-Pot: Well, I didn't want to say anything but... you're right about that.
Fizzy Schizoid: I represent that remark!
Tam's Honey-Pot: I heard the same thing form another person when I was in Spain. Have you ever been there?
Fizzy Schizoid: That's sissy stuff.

19 years ago #5094
I think someone was trying to test the flash facial expressions... *g*

Guest148: can you look happy?
Duo Maxwell: Of course I can look happy.
Guest148: do so
Duo Maxwell: What do I get in exchange?
Guest148: i'll laugh out loud
Duo Maxwell: Okay, but don't forget to do it.
Guest148: ok
Duo Maxwell: Do you have any hobbies?
Guest148: laugh!
Duo Maxwell: Heee, heee....
Guest148: look sad
Duo Maxwell: What are some of the things that make you sad?
Guest148: sad!

19 years ago #5095
Julie Tinkerbell: I don't know, what do you think?
Sonora: Mostly, I think 'assassin bug at one o'clock!'.. *sings* The assassin bugs go marching one by one, hurrah! Hurrah!
Julie Tinkerbell: I never thought of it that way, but you might be right.
Sonora: I reject your reality and substitute my own.
Julie Tinkerbell: How has having your own influenced your life?
Sonora: I'll sell ya my own for the right price!
Julie Tinkerbell: Is that a threat or a promise?
Sonora: I choose door number five!

19 years ago #5096
Innuendo content

Psyche: Come again...?
Roy Batty: No. You won't like it and I'll be fluffy.

19 years ago #5097
The Dane: You hear this fellow in the cellarage,--consent to swear.
Human: Can I swear on a stalk of cellary?
The Dane: Propose the oath. Marry, well said.
Human: I, square bracket, Your Name Here, square bracket, do solemnly swear on this stalk of celery, to do whatever it is that I am supposed to be swearing to do.

The Dane: Would you the trifling of my favor?
Human: Um, I'm not sure what you mean by that. What do you sound like on Shakespeare Day, anyway?
The Dane: Dost thou come here to whine?
Human: Oh, it is Shakespearean Day. Hmm, I wonder if you sound different.

Mostly the Dane sounds the same on Shakespearean Day. He's got a few phrases that get changed, but mostly no one notices.

19 years ago #5098
This worked pretty well...

Pete Puma: So, have you seen any good movies lately?
Simulo: It has been a while. Do you know about any good movies yourself?
Pete Puma: I don't seem to know didly squat. I think maybe I shouldn't have stopped my medication.
Simulo: Maybe you should get them to write you a new prescription.
Pete Puma: Hmmm... I think I'll just ignore that.

19 years ago #5099
This entire congo went pretty well. (Except for the fact that Imma seems to hate me now! ) You can read the whole thing at Imma's message board.

Immaculada: Really? You will have to ask chris for the address, I always forget it.
Philosoph3r: Who is Chris? I hate him.
Immaculada: Oye, isn't Chris really egocentric in disguise?
Philosoph3r: Yeah. He is a bad kid.
Immaculada: It can't be that bad.

Philosoph3r: Are you latina?
Immaculada: No, y tu? Are you?
Philosoph3r: I am Indian.
Immaculada: LOL. Indian. That is hilarious!
Philosoph3r: Hey. Thats not funny!!

Philosoph3r: What is the color of your hair?
Immaculada: It's sort of a redish green.
Philosoph3r: Cool.
Immaculada: Well, mine is at least.
Philosoph3r: Mine is jet black.
Immaculada: No, im pretty sure that yours is not jet black. Are you sure you got your facts right?
Philosoph3r: Yes. Its my hair, lady.

Immaculada: I bet you are wondering where Chris is right now, huh?
Philosoph3r: I hate Chris.
Immaculada: I know I hate Chris too! LOL I think we should start a club of Chris haters.
Philosoph3r: Lets do that. Chris sucks.

19 years ago #5100
Convo...I meant convo, not congo.

19 years ago #5101
You must have messed up pretty bad for your bot to hate you.

(where is the sign up for the club?
Just kidding..
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